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RAFTing On The River

“It was super fun and kind of cool to just be on the Chattahoochee and see everything."

A Hard Goodbye

"I’ve been here for 13 years and it’s so weird to leave it behind."

Girls Night In

We tried making slime but the activator didn’t work and we got glue and shaving cream all over the hardwood floors.

Tender Loving Cane’s

All I had was a 30oz cup of Cane’s sauce. I was about to start drinking it with a straw. 


Critics argue that “clean girl” implies that there’s a “dirty girl.”

Love Me (Chicken) Tender

By Keya Nijhawan What is love? Well, “What is love?” is an excellent song by Haddaway, written in 1993, but the actual question is full of mystery and uncertainty; to my disappointment, not even Google can provide a quick and easy answer. Love can be a different experience for everyone,

Perfecting The Signature

"Having a magazine that showcases the works that people do at school and even outside of school gives them the recognition that people might not receive otherwise."